Friday, 16 September 2011

How can I get my WA State ID and Social Security Card?

I am 21 years old and am loathe to say it, but with the intentions of helping my Sister out, I dropped out of school about four years ago so I could watch her kids while she worked. (At the time the youngest only spent a short few hours in preschool and so I had no time for school)

Unfortunately prior to that, during a move, I lost my social security card. I do not have, nor have I ever gotten a State ID.

I was able to obtain my Birth Certificate during a short trip to California a few years back, but apart from that, I do not have anything that will work.

I have tried to go to the SSA office several times. The first time they told me that if I could bring a yearbook with my picture, they could use the most recent school ID I had and the yearbook. Unfortunately It took quite a while before I was able to get my friend to give me the yearbook she bought and when I went back they said it had to be less than two years prior.

I was told by the DMV that if I got my Social Security Card, that they would only need like one proof of address and that would be it and I would be home free.

Unfortunately, because of the SSA's ever-changing requirements, I cannot obtain my Social Security Card.

The last school I went to was in California, and with them only allowing myself or my mother to get transcripts in person (or having a school request them) I am stuck. My mother is completely blind and in a nursing home. Her only hope of getting to the school to get the transcripts would be if my other sister could take her and my other sister is the only person earning money to pay bills for her son and husband.

What can I do? I am getting desperate. I'm tempted to go up to a cop and beg him or her to arrest me because that might be my only hope of obtaining an ID (They have to get ID for those who get arrested right?)

Seriously, I need links to people/places that can help me and detailed explanations of what needs to be done, what information must be provided. I know my Social Security Number, and have my Mother's and my biological father's

Now that my Sister's kids are in school for most of the day, I have time that can be spent working, but how can I get work without ID and Social Security Card?

Please, please help me!
How can I get my WA State ID and Social Security Card?
Go to the DMV and get some info about what you need. It's complicated and stupid I know! Just get your electricity bill and all other bills, any Id, and look over the info they give you and it'll work out.

* get your name on your parents bills and they can pay them. If you get your name on your parents pud bill it still counts.
How can I get my WA State ID and Social Security Card?
Do you have a parent in the State? Things may have changed in the past year or so with the State's responses to Homeland Security requirements but, in times past if you had a parent to vouch for you it was pretty swift, fast, and easy. It didn't matter how old you or your parent was. - Just one of those good 'ole laws still on the books.

The people who know the ins and outs of dealing with ID issues are those who work with the homeless. If you are a person of color, it is not a good idea to get arrested without ID; you can go straight from in-take to the INS. Speaking of which those that deal with those who have a need to prove citizenship also know the ins and outs of ID.

In all honesty, I would call the the Seattle/King County Crisis Center Information Line to see what they have to say with respect to referals. Off the top of my head, I'm current enough to know names of folks/programs dealing with the homeless. However, you might try ACORN. While they are doing a lot trying to keep people in their homes and keeping people from becoming homeless, they are also some how involved in the new non-profit bank whose purpose is to provide banking services for those elsewise having troubles getting them/affording them. Among other things, the new non-profit bank also address a variety of ID issues.

Among other things, you don't sound too old. Did you know that if you are under the age of 21, that the State owes you a free high school education in the State of Washington; the rules are a little funny at the actual age of 21. A number of school districts have a number of options that include a variety of home-study options which would allow you more comfort as an older student, to meet home obligations, and work at the same time. In part, trying the school angle may help you take care of some of your ID problems too.

For goodness sake, if you do head into the work world do write your resume to include the duties you performed in care taking your sister's children. Even as you prepare to take care of some of your ID issues, have you considered a State vocational and/or community college? You might want to check them out to see what they have to offer you; talk with a financial aid and an admissions officer to see what they have to say. Many offer free programs and/or support groups as well.

As you head into the work world, do check in with an %26quot;unemployment office.%26quot; - I think they call them WorkSource Offices now. - They offer a number of job seeking services and classes. Of course they are suffering tremendous budget decreases at a time that the need for their services are increasing. But, they are available for use and/or assistance by even the employed.

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