Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Can you refuse to have contact with the child's father?

Here me out: I am 12 weeks pregnant. I became pregnant by a platonic friend (yes, we were never sexually active until the one time we became intimate and I became pregnant) of three years. He is only 22, I'm 26. I knew it was a huge mistake, and I immediately tried to be %26quot;friends%26quot; again, but he was fixated on trying to have this relationship. Well, we had a huge fight---where he threatened to kill me and my family, and even slapped me. I had to call the police on him three times, because we had moved in together (right when we started sleeping together) and when he started acting crazy, I had him move out while police were there. This all took place before either of us knew I was pregnant. When I found out, I told him and he flipped...telling me to abort and that I had trapped him, and that he hated me, and wouldn't support me being the mother of his child. He refused to speak rationally about the pregnancy and told me to stop contacting him because I was harassing him. I of course stopped sending him emails and text (which I had only sent because that is how he chose to communicate with me) this was 3 months ago and I still haven't heard anything from him. I am just 3 months along. I have canceled my facebook and myspace page as well as canceled all my old email addresses and created a new one and at the start of the year---plan on changing my number. I have his social security number and will file for child support once the baby is born. But just wanted to know, if this was the right thing. I don't want him to think he has the option to reach out to me at his will, when he has acted so hateful and cruel. To add insult to injury, he claims I trapped him, when he knew I wasn't on birthcontrol and he never withdrew...even after my warnings. I accepted my part in this, which is why I am embracing being a single mother, but I don't want to be in denial thinking he is going to ever come around and be a father. I just want to move on. He doesn't deserve to be a father or my friend.
Can you refuse to have contact with the child's father?
think about a few years down the road, then a decade. if he's acted the way he has and you ALREADY KNOW you don't want anything to do w/ him, why would you go and tie his name to you and your child???

i suggest you count him out from the get go. never contact him again and don't ever sign anything w/ his name. courts will assign him visitation rights and even custody nowadays just from his asking. if you don't want that man around, you are lucky that you have a way not to ever be tied up w/ him

if he ever shows up later (which they often do) tell him he was right and it wasn't his child to begin w/ and you're sorry for giving him a headache and don't speak to him again.

this is what you need to do if you want no part of him
Can you refuse to have contact with the child's father?
You might want to get a restraining order.

You cannot refuse to let him have contact with the child, but under the circumstances (and you should document everything very carefully) I would suggest that if he wants contact, you should ask for court ordered, third party SUPERVISED visitation. That way, you wouldn't have to be in contact with him.
yeah if you file for child support he can do whatever he wants. he can come visit anytime he wants, he can call anytime he wants, he can even file for custody. since he doesn't want anything to do with the kid in the first place just tell him you were wrong and it's not his it's some other guys. don't put a dad on the birth certificate, and just let it go at that. welfare will help you if need some other support instead of child support. the only way he'll be able to do anything if he changes his mind and wants to be part of the childs life is by taking you to court for a paternity test.

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