Saturday, 24 September 2011

We don't have enough money for Social Security, more cops, fixing our roads and bridges, for higher education,?

picking up the trash on the sides of the roads etc. etc. BUT WE ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO GIVE THE ELECTED CRIME FAMILY WE HAVE IN WASHINGTON THEIR AUTOMATIC RAISES. Why does the American people allow this? Is it because they are all sheep? Is it because they don't know how to organize and, with a petition, have this changed? Is it because they just don't care? Want to really do something about your non-representing representatives? 1-800-340-9281 is the Congress switchboard number. Call and complaint about what feel they are not doing right. If you've got time to sit here on y/a then you've got

time to TAKE BACK WHAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO YOU....YOUR GOVERNMENT. The call is free. And it won't hurt you. Go for it..............
We don't have enough money for Social Security, more cops, fixing our roads and bridges, for higher education,?
idk but in response to your profile pic... you old as hell!!!! go take a nap before you have a heart attack grandpa
We don't have enough money for Social Security, more cops, fixing our roads and bridges, for higher education,?
we have money for social security. we might run out in another 50 years but we're good now. maybe if we end one of these wars we can start to save. but I'm with you. no raises for congress or any politician.
Thank you for the number

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